The BSV blockchain ecosystem has benefited from significant developments in the past week – with six (count them six!) new releases just from Bitcoin developer unwriter. That alone deserves a special Satoshi Shout-Out below!
Along with increased scaling achievements, the BSV blockchain ecosystem continues to grow at a rapid pace. Read below for a summary of the past week’s developments from around the world

Jimmy Nguyen
Founding President, bComm Association & your friendly BSV Global Ambassador
Satoshi Shout-Out
The week’s special “Satoshi Shout-Out” goes to Bitcoin developer _unwriter who made an epic series of announcements, releasing 6 powerful applications in 7 days (resting on the last day). The first day’s application, appropriately called “Genesis,” is a BSV-exclusive node that is powered by _unwriter’s BitDB data library. After Genesis, _unwriter’s next 5 applications and tools are specific use-case applications of BitDB:
- a data-only node called “Babel,”
- a time-indexing “ephemeral” node called “Chronos,”
- a block-metadata application called “Meta,”
- a programmable API for push notifications (for all of the above) called “BitSocket,”
- and a multiuser chat browser called “Bitchat.”
Find the list of _unwriter’s Bitcoin [SV] tools and the respective elaborating Medium posts here.

Dear _unwriter: we don’t know who you are, but you deserve a loud Satoshi Shout-Out from the entire BSV community!
Applications & Services
BSV Maps
BSV/DEVS, the developer resource centre, has introduced a new service for merchants and other service providers such as ATMs to express their support for BSV. In the introducing tweet, the team explains:
Introducing BSV MAPS
You can now submit bars, restaurants, stores and ATMs that support BSV.
The plan is to change the captcha into a moneybutton paywall and therefore have it instantly publish.
I will also expose the map data via an API.

In a very big development for the BSV ecosystem growth, the leading virtual-currency payment provider announced it added support for BSV. Coinify allows merchants to seamlessly accept BSV and convert it, at will, to the fiat currency of their choice (a big step towards mass adoption!). From its announcement, Coinify CEO and co-founder Mark Højgaard explained:
Virtual currencies need to have widespread merchant adoption to really ignite on a mainstream level, and we believe that the simplicity and flexibility of our payment product range makes this possible. Adding BSV as a virtual currency helps us ensure we have the most comprehensive range of options for both merchant and customer.
The popular blockchain-powered social media platform announced release of its mobile app for Android phones. The app is available at the Google Play store.

The BSV Crypto Channel featured a video interview with the team (Stein Håvard Ludvigsen & Thomas Bakketun). Their company has created the Ka-Ching protocol to enable contactless payments using physical NFC cards (or wearable devices in the future). The solution will allow easy payments using BSV at retail points of sale (similar to the HandCash solution with POP!). Ka-Ching can process 19 payment transactions (and thus customers) per minute from a single terminal.

The merchant offering Bitcoin stickers and other products is showing us the way of the future by accepting BSV for payments (taking advantage of the new recommended BSV logo to announce BSV Accepted Here!). Now you can buy some unique artwork merchandise and stickers with BSV here.

Last week, we learned more about SFOX, an algorithmic trading platform, which has now added support for BSV trading (in beta stage). Watch an interview by the SFOX team with Jimmy Nguyen to learn more about the BSV split from BCH and the future of BSV here

To see all major exchanges that list BSV, visit CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko.[
New Visions for Bitcoin from Dr. Craig S. Wright –
BSV Peer-to-Peer Web Payments and Bookkeeping

nChain’s Chief Scientist Dr. Craig S. Wright has continued with his weekly series on his Medium account, revealing new applications and uses for Bitcoin. In the powerful series, Wright shares his ideas about and expertise on new ground-breaking applications and services—made possible on the BSV blockchain.
Wright’s third entry in the series is entitled “Taking money over the web using Bitcoin — the way it was designed,” and focuses on the seamless integration and facilitation of payments on the web using Bitcoin; the solution allows both fiat and bitcoin (and any tokens for that matter) to be safely accepted for value of consideration or payment—in a manner that is more structured, organised, and thus more efficient than current standards.
The solution is one of many cornerstones of nChain’s ground-breaking Metanet project, and brings us closer to establishing the Internet services we know (and more) on top of a safer and more efficient back-end—by using BSV as the world’s global blockchain and database.
Read the full business-friendly summary here.
Implement the BSV-powered web payments and bookkeeping (call it “BDI” for “Bitcoin data interchange”), and follow more exciting new applications and solutions by reading Craig Wright’s entry here.
Or get in touch with nChain Professional Services here.
For a more comprehensive list of BSV services, applications, and developer tools, please visit
If you would like your application or service listed in a future BSV Weekly update, please email us at