ARC and Teranode: A Symbiotic Relationship in Bitcoin’s Evolution
Explore the groundbreaking integration of ARC into the Teranode paradigm, revolutionising Bitcoin’s transaction processing. Delve into the meticulous tracking capabilities of ARC and its symbiotic relationship with Teranode, ensuring unparalleled scalability, efficiency, and reliability.
ARC and providing developers with the tools to build on the BSV blockchain
The BSV blockchain offers governments, enterprises and developers a powerful feature-set to bring their projects into the realm of web3. However, this powerful technology means nothing if developers are unable to fully utilise these features and don’t have the tools to build on the blockchain.
ARC and Teranode: Paving the way for a self-sovereign digital future
Explore the synergy between ARC and Teranode shifts CBDCs, digital identities, IoT, and web3 to a paradigm of digital sovereignty and a new era in transaction processing and data management.
Meet ARC – the new and improved way to broadcast
The webinar ‘Meet ARC – the new and improved way to broadcast’ serves to showcase the new transaction processing service ARC with its 4 microservices, differences to other implementations and includes a road map.
Empowering Builders: ARC Service Set to Revolutionise Bitcoin Transaction Processing
Join ARC public beta launch in July 2023 to experience a flexible, scalable, and robust transaction processor aiming to replace mAPI. With ARC, builders enjoy direct peer-to-peer transactions to the network, eliminating single node dependency for improved responsiveness.
BSV Blockchain Association announces the availability of ARC Public Beta
The BSV Association is pleased to announce that the ARC service has entered public beta – an acronym derived from “authoritative” (it talk directly to the nodes), “response” (it responds to queries etc.) plus “component”.