What government officials should know and do about the Metaverse?
Government officials and regulators need to keep an extremely close eye on any Metaverse operator who claims an Ethereum-based Metaverse as well as social media companies who are using patents that belong to nChain.
What enterprise leaders should know and do about the Metaverse
In this nascent stage of the Metaverse and the BSV blockchain, an enterprise leader may well find it to be the case that getting even a simple product to market may involve them developing various protocols and technical standards, as well as a portfolio of intellectual property that could be licensed for an additional business…
Metaverse – monopoly economy 2.0 or digital democracy?
If companies are willing to relinquish some of their control over the content generated by all the users within the respective Metaverses and simply compete to offer attractive services which were all denominated in a token settled on a suitable blockchain then that arrangement would be mutually beneficial for all parties.
Your introduction to the Metaverse
Learn about the potential of an immersive world for big tech, multimedia software, gaming, art, entertainment, communications, advertising and (insert your industry + vertical) and how micropayments adds the X-factor.