BSV Blockchain launches private beta of SPV Wallet – The BSV open-source wallet reference implementation
BSV Blockchain is pleased to announce that the private beta of the SPV Wallet is now available.
The end of Bitcoin as you know it
Bitcoin has had a long and storied history and many people have tried to twist and change the narrative to suit their ends. However, that is all changing as Bitcoin becomes what it was always meant to be – a building block on top of which we can build many different things.
Meet ARC – the new and improved way to broadcast
The webinar ‘Meet ARC – the new and improved way to broadcast’ serves to showcase the new transaction processing service ARC with its 4 microservices, differences to other implementations and includes a road map.
Why a Merkle tree is used to scale Bitcoin
Merkle trees and SPV let you verify that a given transaction has been processed and included in a block. SPV is critical because you cannot scale the blockchain without it. More importantly, SPV is the peer aspect of Bitcoin.