Au Pair Agreement

This Au Pair Agreement establishes the terms and conditions under which an Au Pair will provide services to a Host Family in exchange for room, board, stipend, and educational opportunities. It covers detailed provisions for compensation, work hours, cultural integration, and dispute resolution to ensure a clear understanding between both parties. The agreement also outlines the rights and responsibilities related to termination, travel, and educational support, aiming for a harmonious and culturally enriching experience for the Au Pair.

THIS AGREEMENT is made on [date], BETWEEN:

  • [host_family_name], a [description_of_host_family] residing at [host_family_address] (the “Host Family”), AND
  • [au_pair_name], a [description_of_au_pair] from [au_pair_country] currently residing at [au_pair_address] (the “Au Pair”).

BACKGROUND: This Au Pair Agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which the Au Pair will live with and provide services to the Host Family in exchange for room, board, and a stipend. It is intended to create a legally binding agreement between the parties to ensure that the expectations and responsibilities of both the Host Family and the Au Pair are clearly understood and agreed upon.

Responsibilities of the Au Pair

  1. Child Care: The Au Pair is primarily responsible for providing care to the host family’s children, which includes activities such as feeding, bathing, dressing, and overseeing playtime and educational activities.
  2. Educational Support: Assisting with homework and school projects, providing language instruction, and facilitating educational games and activities.
  3. Light Housekeeping: The Au Pair will perform light housekeeping duties related to the children, such as cleaning up after meals, tidying play areas, and laundering the children’s clothes.
  4. Meal Preparation: Preparing meals for the children, ensuring they are nutritious and cater to any dietary restrictions or preferences specified by the Host Family.
  5. Safety and Welfare: Ensuring the children’s safety at all times and administering first aid or handling emergencies as needed.
  6. Schedule Adherence: Following the daily routine and schedule set by the Host Family for the children, including school drop-offs and pick-ups, bedtimes, and extracurricular activities.
  7. Communication: Regularly communicating with the Host Family about the children’s progress, behaviors, and any issues or concerns that may arise.

Compensation and Benefits

  1. Stipend: The Au Pair will receive a weekly stipend of [weekly_stipend] as pocket money, which is intended to cover personal expenses.
  2. Room and Board: The Host Family will provide the Au Pair with a private bedroom and full access to the household facilities. Meals will be shared with the family, and any specific dietary needs of the Au Pair will be accommodated within reason.
  3. Health Insurance: The Au Pair will be provided with health insurance coverage, which includes medical, dental, and emergency services. The specifics of the insurance coverage will be detailed in an addendum to this agreement.
  4. Travel Costs: The Host Family will cover the cost of the Au Pair’s return travel from their home country to the host country at the beginning and end of the term. Additional travel expenses during the term, if required for the job, will also be covered by the Host Family.
  5. Vacation: The Au Pair is entitled to two weeks of paid vacation per year, to be coordinated with the Host Family’s schedule.
  6. Educational Allowance: The Au Pair will receive an educational allowance of [educational_allowance] per year to cover the cost of attending language classes or other approved educational courses.
  7. Local Transportation: A monthly public transportation pass will be provided to the Au Pair for local travel related to personal and work commitments.

Work Hours and Time Off

  1. Work Hours: The Au Pair’s weekly work schedule shall not exceed [max_weekly_hours] hours, distributed reasonably throughout the week according to the Host Family’s needs and the Au Pair’s availability.
  2. Days Off: The Au Pair will have at least [days_off_per_week] full days off per week, which should ideally be consecutive. These days off will not necessarily be on weekends but will be scheduled in advance.
  3. Public Holidays: The Au Pair is entitled to have off on all public holidays recognized in the host country, unless otherwise agreed upon in situations where care is critically needed.
  4. Vacation: In addition to regular days off, the Au Pair is entitled to [vacation_days_per_year] paid vacation days per year. The timing of these vacation days should be mutually agreed upon with the Host Family to ensure it aligns with both the family’s and the Au Pair’s plans.
  5. Sick Leave: The Au Pair is entitled to sick leave as needed, with the understanding that the Host Family should be notified as soon as possible to arrange alternative child care. Documentation from a healthcare provider may be requested for extended periods of illness.
  6. Study Time: To support the Au Pair’s educational goals, they will be provided with sufficient time off to attend classes, typically amounting to [study_hours_per_week] hours per week. This schedule will be coordinated with the Host Family to minimize disruption.

Travel and Cultural Exchange

  1. Cultural Integration: The Host Family encourages the Au Pair to participate in cultural, social, and recreational activities to enhance their understanding and appreciation of the host country’s culture. The Host Family will facilitate the Au Pair’s participation by providing information and, where possible, accompanying them to certain events.
  2. Cultural Allowance: The Au Pair will receive a monthly cultural allowance of [cultural_allowance_amount], which can be used towards the expenses of attending cultural events, museum entries, excursions, and other activities that promote cultural integration.
  3. Travel Opportunities: When the Host Family travels for vacation or other outings, the Au Pair is invited to join to assist with child care and to experience new locations. All travel and accommodation expenses for such trips will be covered by the Host Family.
  4. Local Orientation: Upon arrival, the Au Pair will be given a local orientation tour by the Host Family to familiarize them with the neighborhood, public transportation, and key locations such as libraries, community centers, and shopping areas.
  5. Language Courses: The Host Family will support the Au Pair in enrolling in language courses if the Au Pair is not fluent in the host country’s language. This is intended to help the Au Pair communicate more effectively and deepen their cultural understanding.

Dispute Resolution

  1. Communication First: In the event of any disputes or disagreements between the Au Pair and the Host Family, both parties agree to attempt to resolve the issue through open and honest communication before taking further actions.
  2. Mediation: If direct communication does not resolve the issue, both parties agree to engage in mediation with a neutral third party before resorting to legal proceedings. The costs of mediation will be shared equally between the Au Pair and the Host Family.
  3. Legal Action: If mediation does not resolve the dispute, either party may seek legal redress in the courts of the host country. The prevailing party in any legal proceedings may seek to recover reasonable legal fees and costs from the other party.

Termination of Agreement

  1. Notice Period: Either party may terminate this agreement at any time by providing the other party with a [notice_period] notice in writing. This notice period is intended to give both parties sufficient time to make alternative arrangements.
  2. Immediate Termination: In cases of gross misconduct, abuse, or neglect by either party, the agreement may be terminated immediately without prior notice. Examples of such conduct include, but are not limited to, endangerment of the children, illegal activities, or severe breach of agreement terms.
  3. Return Home: Upon termination of this agreement, the Au Pair will be provided with a return ticket to their home country, if not already provided as part of the initial travel arrangements.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Au Pair Agreement as of the date first above written. Each Party warrants that their respective signatory has the authority to enter into this Agreement. This Agreement has been executed in two counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and both of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Each party acknowledges receipt of one executed counterpart.


Name: [host_family_name] 

Signature: _______________________ 

Date: [host_family_sign_date]


Name: [au_pair_name] 

Signature: _______________________ 

Date: [au_pair_sign_date]